Project Title: Extract Images from German Golf Guide
Project Description:
I need all images that come up as a result of a search on this website:
For each result listed in the search there is a section with images (“Bilder”).
These are the images I need.
It is important that they are saved in the best resolution possible so they need to be opened (enlarged) before downloading.
I want them in a folder that is named after the golf-course they are from.
So the first folder would be called “Aachener Golf Club 1927 e. V.” and would contain 13 images.
The first image would have a resolution of 800×600 (NOT 250×250).
The URL of the image would be:
Please refer to the example png I attached to better comprehend the path to the image source.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
I want to scrape Golf Courses for the USA and Canada. Website is here:
I would like to scrape Prices of books from all the categories, which are available on a website: