Project Title: Facebook Group Data Scraping

Project Description:
Looking for an experienced Facebook Scraper to extract data from my growing Facebook group.

Facebook group is about exchanging tips about nice hotels & restaurants all over the world.

Amount of members: approx. 2.600

Postings: approx. 700

Comments = Recommemndations: between 3.000 – 5.000

and I would need the following data to be extraced in csv file.

Extract posts, comments, the relationship between the comments and posts, as well as linked images, attachments or URLs and the User incl User ID. Is important to have the information which user posted what or commented on which posting.

This is how we would need the data:

(1) Facebook Posts: [fb_post_id, fb_user_id, content, created]
post_id und fb_user ID should be extracted from the HTML-source code.
Content is the post itself und Created is date/time of posting.

(2) Facebook Comments: [fb_comment_id, fb_user_id, fb_post_id, fb_comment_parent_id, content, created]
The fb_post_id refers to the related post, the fb_comment_parent_id refers to the comment it answers (in the case of a comment on a comment)
Rest is like in posts.

(3) Facebook Users: [fb_user_id, name, url]
fb_user_id refers to the user who posted or commented and should ideally be the official Facebook UserID. Name is the username and url is the URL to the user profile.

Any additional information about the user which can be scraped is warmly welcome.

I am looking forward to working with you.

Kind regards.

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on