Project Title: Scrape & Monitor Products Prices Daily for Amazon ASINs

Project Description:
We are looking for an expert who can develop a tool or write a script to scrape and monitor product prices daily for the provided list of Amazon ASINs from

Following data needs to scrape :
Product Title,
Seller Name,
Lowest Price Seller,
ASIN Rank,
Number of Reviews,
Review Stars Rating,
and other data points to increase our business intelligence.

We would also like this data for both ASINs which are active in our current vendor catalog as well as being able to free search ASINs which are listed on Amazon.

For example, we would like the ability to search “Loreal” and this should give records of all the items on Amazon matching Loreal along with the data-points mentioned above for each ASIN.

For ASINs in our catalog, the system should be able to display updated data points either in real time or auto-update every hour or daily etc…

Let me know if you can do this? Looking for your reply.

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on