Project Title: Scrape Coin Data from

Project Description:

I would like to create a dashboard using scraped data from

Essentially, I would like to scrape every coin listed on the site in a spreadsheet where I can view the following columns:

Name of Coin


Price: Current trading price, 24 hour price change, 1 week price change etc…

Market Cap: Basic Market Cap, Fully Diluted Market Cap

Watchlist: How many watchlists is this on, 24 change, 7 day change, 30 day change, 90 day change (important to confirm if this is possible)

Volume: 24 hour volume, 24 hour volume change, 1 week volume change etc…

High / Low: 24 hour, 7 day, 30 day, 90 day, All time

Supply: Circulating Supply, Total Supply

I would like the list to refresh as often as once every 30 minutes (although if less frequent it may be fine).

Also I would like to be able to sort the coins on any of the dimensions above (even if a filter is being used – so if I had the filter above activated, I also then want to be able to sort that subset by market cap).

Let me know if you are interested in the project. Really appreciate your time!!

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