Project Title: Scrape Job Postings from AngelList

Project Description:

This is a two-part project.

We are building a startup – if this task is done well, there will be a lot more work like this.

Part 1:
– Log in into my Angel List account (I’ll provide credentials)
– Scrape Jobs from Angel List and copy them into a spreadsheet
– Fields required:
Hiring contact name
– When there are two jobs from the same Company, just copy one.
– SKIP the promoted jobs (they appear over and over again in the same list)

Part 2:
– Get the emails from the Hiring Contacts and copy them into the spreadsheet
– I can provide my Apollo account for this step
– When there is no email for the hiring contact, replace it with information from the CEO or Recruiter

Please share your pricing PER RECORD (record = job, company, contact name, contact email)

How many hours do you estimate for this project?

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on