Project Title: Scrape Real Estate Property Details from

Project Description:

We need to scrape this web ( for all ads for rent and buy that meet requirements and receive a file with these ads in file or files, with a json format (as we define in the job)

– adUrl: ad url, i.e
– regionL1: We need the region, i.e “RM (Metropolitana)”.
– regionL2: We need the municipality, i.e “Colina”.
– regionL3: We need the comuna, i.e “Chicureo”.
– regionL4: We need the address, i.e “Av. El Valle 10730”.
– flagAddressComplete: Flag of complete address. If address does not have number (ad has a reference of area/zone, does not specify) the value of the flag is false, unless the adress has S/N or SN, in this case it is true. Otherwise, the value of the flag is true.
– price: Price in peso chileno (If we can not have sale price or rent price, WE DO NOT WANT IT THIS AD )
– bathrooms: number of bathrooms. It appears in table — “Caracteristicas”.
– bedrooms: number of bedrooms. It appears in table — “Caracteristicas”.
– garage: number of parking spaces. It appears in table — “Caracteristicas”.
– swimmingPool: Boolean (True/False) If it has a swimming pool or not. It appears in table — “Ambientes or Comodidades y Equipamiento or Características adicionales”
– garden: Boolean (True/False). If it has a gardem or not. It appears in table — “Ambientes or Comodidades y Equipamiento or Características adicionales”
– sqm: Area (square meters) — If the ad has not this field, WE DO NOT WANT IT THIS AD It appears in table — “Caracteristicas, m2 útiles”.
– propertyType: We need ads with this values: “Casas”, “Departamentos”.
– typology: we need a flag that indicates “house” when the property type ??is “Casas” and “flat” when the property type is “Departamentos”.
– operationType: sale (venta) or rent (arriendo).
– location: latitude / longitude.
– countryCode: 152 (same value for all ads).
– currency: “CLP” (same value for all ads).
– source: “portalinmobiliario” (same value for all ads).

If you find an ad with a range of area (square meters), bedrooms, Bathrooms and parking, save 1 record with the minimum range and price of the ad.

If you find an ad with 2 prices save two records, the first one with the minimum price and minimum Area and the second one with the maximum price and maximum Area AND the rest info that you find ( geolocation info …) in both.

Let me know quote for this requirement.

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