Project Title: Twitter Data Extraction

Project Description:

I need to legally retrieve data on the tweets for a popular Twitter account.

Note that this is not my own twitter account and I do not have a Twitter API account (thus getting a developer for this).

** The data **
For every tweet from the account, going back to their first ever, I need the:

– Tweet ID
– Timestamp that the tweet was created
– Contents:
– Text
– Hashtags
– Users mentioned
– URLs
– Image url (if attached)
– Tweet source client
– Indicator if “retweet”
– “Retweet” Details:
– Original tweet ID
– Original tweet’s user ID
– Indicator if “in reply to”
– “In reply to” details:
– Tweet ID
– User ID
– Complete list of User IDs* that liked the tweet
– Complete list of User IDs* that replied to the tweet
– Complete list of User IDs* that retweeted the tweet

* “Complete list of User IDs” means literally just the IDs; I do not need handles, urls, etc. for these users.

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